Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Stay-cation = much needed knitting time

You know, this thing called a job really puts a damper in my knitting. It has been amazing how much knitting I've accomplished while having 5 days in a row off!

Unfortunately, there are bills that wouldn't be paid if I was to stay home permanently. I mean I would need a roof over my head to knit.

I was able to complete my Circumnavigate:

Pattern: Circumnavigate by Heidi Kirrmaier
Yarn: Cascade Ultra Pima
Colorway: Blue
Needles: Knit Picks US 7mm
Ravelry Page

I'm so glad I finally knit this up. I can't wait to wear it around a white button down shirt to work. IF I do go back to work! (just kidding DH!)

Sunday, August 19, 2012


I have such problems spelling that word. Great pattern, just not an easy word to spell out yet it sounds just like it is spelled.

Nothing like the start to a stay-cation to get some real progress going on this.

I LOVE LOVE LOVE how it is coming along!

Thursday, August 16, 2012


My wrist has been feeling so much better. I'm now in the habit to wear my wrist brace while I sleep and it seems to be doing the trick.

So....I can knit more!!

I had a fellow Raveler message me a little bit ago and ask if I had about 10 yards of a particular yarn she desperately needed to finish a sweater. I didn't need all I had and set up a trade. If she bought me this pattern I would send more than she needed (just to be sure!).

This is my Circumnavigate. I fell in love with the pattern a year ago, added it to the queue, bought the yarn and well a year later I'm finally casting off.

This is starting to be a great knit as it plays well into my OCD tendencies as it is symmetrical and made up of 4 sections that are mirror images.

Pattern: Circumnavigate
Yarn: Cascade Ultra Pima (can you tell I love this yarn? for those keeping score 4th project)
Needles:  Knit Picks Circulars US 7
Ravelry Page

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Ravellenics Conclusion

Did you guess the last project? It was a monster. Or as DH has named him the 'Monstah'.

I was getting really nervous that I wouldn't be able to finish the monster, as I developed wrist pain last Thursday. I went back to wearing my brace at night and stopped knitting for 2 days.

So, today was a race to the finish, considering what it looked like a few hours ago:

I had to knit another 2 arms and a foot, whip stitch the pockets down, attach arms/feet, stuff, eyes and mouth.

Oh yes, I was determined to finish, pain or no pain.

Pattern: Leila from The Big Book of Knitted Monsters
Yarn: Knit Picks Simply Cotton (leftovers from my afghan)
Colorways: Prussian Heather & Blaze Heather
Needles: Knit Picks US 7 mm
Ravelry Page

I am so glad I was able to prove that I can knit 2 projects in two weeks. So, my plans for tonight are to watch the closing ceremonies with ice on my wrist.

I wonder what I shall knit next?

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Better photo and Ravellenics Project #2

Ahhh a beautiful picture by DH and the fancy camera! I just need to find the perfect button.

Pattern: Lilianna by IrishGirlieKnits
Yarn: Cascade Yarns Ultra Pima
Colorway: Purple
Needles: Knit Picks Circulars US 8
Ravelry Project Page

Like I mentioned in my last post, I started my second Ravellenics project.

Guess what it is?

Monday, August 6, 2012

Lil Miss' Sweater for Ravellenics is DONE!

I finished this last night during some severe weather. I had every light on in our living room at 5PM! (and due to that, the color of this beautiful sweater is really off).

I just need to find the perfect button and block it. I'll wrap up the project later, with a better photo after it has been blocked.

No rest for the weary, I've already cast on for the next project I hope to complete by the end of closing ceremonies.

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Lil' Miss' Sweater for Ravellenics

Here in the Northeast we are having quite the heat and humidity. So, when DH and I left the house this morning at 9AM, it was 75 degrees, when we returned less than 2 hours later it was 90 and very humid.

The kind of humidity that you flip a coin with DH to see who is going to make all the trips from the car to the house with our shopping bags.

Then, it was knitting time....
How is your head tilt?

One more repeat to go!!

Friday, August 3, 2012

Sweater for Ravellenics

Work really puts a damper on my knitting time. Then again, without the job I would not be able to purchase the yarn...vicious circle.

Well, this is all I was able to get done the past few nights:

The color is accurate more in this photo than in previous. The DH was gracious enough to take this for me tonight, with his fancy camera. (thank you!) It is a beautiful purple for a beautiful little girl!

Considering how fast lil miss is growing these past few weeks, I'm glad I am knitting a small 12 month size. It should fit her nicely come spring.

My plan for the weekend is to finish this, then start my next project that needs to be finished by the end of the closing ceremony.