Monday, February 25, 2008

I'm officially...

A LOOPY GROUPIE!! I went to the post office before work this morning and picked up my LG package. Once I arrived at the parking garage at work I stayed in my car to open it. I just couldn't wait until after work, I mean that was like 9 hours away at least!!

Here is what I received:
Yes, that would be two hanks of Lorna's Laces in the Ravenswood colorway, A Romney Ridge Farm Wall Calendar, Loopy Kisses AND The Loopy Ewe bag. All as a thank you from Sheri @ The Loopy Ewe! Sheri and her elves ROCK!

I'll show you what I actually purchased later as I have to go study now.

Sunday, February 24, 2008

Is Spring ever going to get here?

I'm not so convinced. I love snow, do not get me wrong. I'm the first one to get excited when I see snow. HOWEVER, since we have had basically freezing rain/snow ending as ice/just plain ice/10" of snow in a 2 day time frame - all of which have been occurring during the work week for the past 3 months...the one who likes the white stuff starts to get annoyed by it. I heard on the news channel last night that we are just over 49" for this season! Crazy!!

So please bring on Spring! There is nothing like sneezing and sinus congestion...I mean birds chirping, flowers sharing their beauty with us, things in the yard turning green, I believe you get the idea.

I'm going to shock all of you...yesterday the DH and I went to a library! WHOAH! I actually got in some uninterrupted study time. Now if I can just keep up the studying until I take the test, I'll be good.

I'm also on a self imposed 'no knitting' until I pass this exam. I really hope this works as my exam is sometime between now and the end of March.

DH and I also had SLG over yesterday. I had to wipe away a tear from my eye as when I arrived to pick her up, she greeted me with "HI D" then "I missed you". AWWWW. How can you not love that?!

As you can see we all wore our party hats and appropriate jewelry! All three of us had a great time and it was hard for it to end when I had to bring her home.
Now I must go back to my study book...

Sunday, February 17, 2008

I'm supposed to be studying...

yet I can't help myself with these quizzes.

Your Score: the Ham

(42% dark, 57% spontaneous, 36% vulgar)

your humor style:

Your style's goofy, innocent and feel-good. Perfect for parties and for the dads who chaperone them. You can actually get away with corny jokes, and I bet your sense of humor is a guilty pleasure for your friends. People of your type are often the most approachable and popular people in their circle. Your simple & silly good-naturedness is immediately recognizable, and it sets you apart in this sarcastic world.

PEOPLE LIKE YOU: Will Ferrell - Will Smith

The 3-Variable Funny Test!

- it rules -

If you're interested, try my best friend's best test:
The Genghis Khan Genetic Fitness Masterpiece

Saturday, February 16, 2008

Things that make you go hmmm...

You Are 64% Massachusetts

You're pretty Massachusetts, but you're starting to slip. Go eat a bulky roll and flip off a New Yorker.

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Happy Valentines Day!

Did you wear your red today? Did you receive chocolates, flowers, or a card? I received a photo collage. Something I've wanted for a really long time. It is beautiful!

I've been so busy at work, I haven't had time to blog... nevermind knit. I had to fire an employee for basic incompetence, so, that leaves me doing my old job, my new management job and now this employees job. On top of that I'm still studying for an exam for my next designation which was to be next week, however, with the work load I've had, there was just no way it was going to happen. I did end up postponing my test date last night and I have to say a weight has been lifted. So, maybe now this stress headache will go away and take this cough I've had for 4 weeks with it.

I've been using the internet as a stress relieving tool. There is nothing like heading over to Ravelry and ooo-ing and aww-ing over other individuals finished knitting projects.

I did however, buy myself a happy plant... hoping it would brighten up my day. It is a cyclamen.

Sunday, February 3, 2008

It's time for the big game...


I've spent some time knitting this weekend. Just to prove it I actually took a picture:
You see only one, as I knit with 3 DPN's so, I had to take the time to move half the top stitched to another DPN in order to take the picture. The other sock is in the same place, so you see one, you've seen them both! I figure with the game tonight I can get a few more rows done.

I can't wait to get these completed as (thanks to Ravelry) I already have my next project in mind.