Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Pet ER

Well I've had my first day in a vet ER. Our rabbit, Emily is spending the night in the ICU.

We came home and found her with her legs going one direction, her front paws going another and it seemed that she had loss the use of her back legs. Our vet took x-rays and ruled out a dislocated joint and suggested we go to a specialist.

Fortunately, we live very close to a vet teaching hospital (Tufts in Grafton, MA). So, off we go...

The exotics vet was very calming. She did a radiogram, while Emily was under anesthetic. Also, blood work and some other items. She didn't find any breaks (back, leg etc.) which was a relief, however we could be looking at a neurological issue or something hereditary. We should know more tomorrow when all the tests results are back (well except for one test which will take a week).

So...we will see how things look tomorrow. For now, I exhausted and off for some shut eye.

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